Name Diaccialone
Business name Diaccialone Soc agricola
Founded in 19095
Sector Farming
Delegations Lazio
Address Corso Carducci 73 - 58100 Grosseto - (GR)
See map
Telephone 0564 22017
Fax 0564 1881087
Email amministrazione.pallini@gmail.com
Website www.lamaremmana.it
Querciolo has been a family business since 1700, organized as a company in 1988. In 1994 the renovations of the farmhouses began to make them a farmhouse, in a part of the company near the sea. In 2012, a Biogas plant was built in the company center, for the grid connection of the electricity produced.


  • Cheeses sale
  • Guided Tour
  • Tasting