Giorgia Sartini

My name is Giorgia Sartini, I am 35 years old and I work in Retail. Although my course of study was to address it to other purposes, in these 5 years, thanks also to the support of my family, I managed 4 stores. Work is my life, my mission. The possibility of being able to satisfy my customers knowing that I can act in total synergy with my group is now a constant, an objective to be pursued. Over the years I have seen the company with which I collaborate grow exponentially and every day my commitment to evolution within it of the role of the "woman entrepreneur" becomes stronger. In fact, I am convinced that strenuous Workup srl •Via Vasco De Gama, 48 - 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) •Tel: +39 0424 584000 •Fax: +39 0424 584099 P.IVA / C.F. / N° REG. IMPR. VI: 02523210249 •R.E.A.: 237278 VI • Capitale Sociale: € 100.000 interamente versato all’interno di essa del ruolo della “donna imprenditrice”. Sono, infatti, convinta che la strenua collaborazione e la doverosa attenzione alle necessità sempre mutevoli del mercato e della clientela siano il “leit motiv” del nostro lavoro. collaboration and due attention to the ever-changing needs of the market and customers are the "leit motiv” of our work


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